Hello there you unique beautiful soul! Welcome to my site!
My name is Lovereen Kaur and I am a die-hard paleo fan. I am originally from a small town in India – a valley between Middle and Higher Himalayas. Sounds cool, right! Well it is, because it is the most beautiful place on Earth. I studied, worked and lived in India, Canada, Kuwait and now USA. I live and work in New York. As you can probably imagine all this moving around needed a lot of decisions.
So here is the thing, before I take any decision in my life be it as small as deciding how well done my eggs should be or as big as which shoes would go with my dress. (Yes guys! shoe selection is a big decision.) So as I was saying, before I make any decision I like to understand the pros and cons, in some cases do a cost benefit analysis and in some extreme cases perform extensive monte carlo simulations (no I have not lost it, yet). Till now I have made every decision in my life using one or more techniques –schools I went for my education, events I attended vs the ones I pretended to be busy for, where to go for vacation and where to stay etc.
Don’t worry this blog is not about various ways I can bore you. I am getting to the point.
So back in March 2015 I randomly met this guy and he changed my life. Let’s call him Mr H.
In June 2015 I started paleo diet. Well what does this all have to do with the way I make decisions?
Let me take you back into early 2000s. I have always been a chubby child and have always been jealous of those people (like Mr H) who can probably eat 3 times the amount of food than I do and still stay skinny. In India there is a saying – “if the girl is fat, she will never get married to a smart, handsome and intelligent boy”. So now you know pretty much who was after my life to lose weight.
But I am one lazy and stubborn girl. I forgot my troubles, packed my bags and came to the country where I could find more meaning out of my life. I moved to New York City and ate my tummy out. Well what can you do, there is delicious yummy food in every corner.
Around 2013 I came back to my senses and wanted to lose weight. I had been falling sick every now and then. At this point in time I weighed a little over 190 pounds (86 kgs) for a 167cm tall girl (5 ft 5 in). So yes I was fat and sad. I had tried all kinds of diet to lose weight, exercised my heart out, restricted my calories, but did not get back any results. I did drop a few pounds here and there but it was like that typical story – I ate one boiled egg for breakfast, kale salad for lunch, and pint of ice-cream, burgers, fries, pizza and everything in the whole wide world for dinner. I dropped around 20 pounds from calorie restricting diets.
So here comes the time when I met Mr H, he told me about primal living. I did not believe him or in primal living at first. Of course, I am the lazy and stubborn girl after all. But then he explained how paleo diet works. He asked me to commit to it for 3 weeks to see the result. Decision, decision, decision.
I need to lose weight.
My brain:
But I am so lazy. I don’t want to run or exercise.
This paleo diet is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
But I love bread and omgggggggg I love cheesecake way too much
Maybe giving those up for 3 weeks might not be such a bad idea
And Mr H says there are a lot of paleo friendly bread recipes and cheesecakes recipes that are equally yum
Well I like to try new things and its just 3 weeks.
So yes let’s do it!
I tried primal living for 3 weeks and dropped 5 pounds by just following paleo diet. I did not exercise at all during that period….. I decided to continue with primal living. Mr H helped me along the way, told me all the do’s and don’t’s. Now during this time I faced another challenge.
I am a vegetarian (I eat dairy and eggs), how do I continue with the paleo diet which is so focused on eating high amount of proteins?
My brain:
To fulfill the protein requirement for my body I will have to eat a lot of eggs
I have to also cut out all carbs from my diet. Bread bread bread……
But then I don’t need to exercise every day or run on that devil treadmill
And don’t need to cut down on paneer (cheese) – my second love
I think I can eat so many eggs
Cost benefit analysis time. Conclusion – Cutting down carbs is worth it if I lose weight without so much effort and exercise. And I can eat paneer all day every day.
So Yes let’s do it
By now you probably know a lot about me – my love for decision making process, love for paneer, hate (read: extreme hate) for exercise and my passion to finally lose weight and be healthy. I have been on primal living and paleo diet for the last 1.5 years. I lost over 20 pounds in the first 6 months of primal living. I haven’t felt more happy, bright, energetic, productive and healthy in my life. My vitals have never been this good. I have never counted my calories since the day I started paleo diet. And I never restrict myself from eating good fats (read: lots of cheese). I am still a vegetarian paleo and still follow primal living. Yes, I do have my cheat meals – once every a week. But it is all controlled guilty pleasures – 1 slice of pizza, half bowl of pad thai. a slice of garlic bread etc.
I did not believe in success stories, until I found mine. Primal living also includes a number of other things: standing in sun for at least 20 mins every day, running as fast as you can and lifting heavy weights every now and then (high intensity workouts), walking (lots of it) and sleeping (as needed).
I can’t help you with the above, all of that comes from within and is easy stuff. But I can definitely help you with the more difficult stuff – diet. Primal living requires you to eat good and healthy fats, a lot of proteins and definitely clean eating. And to do all of that you need recipes. Guess what I have got in my blog – recipes! Lots of them, please explore, enjoy and let me know what you liked.
PS: Mr H is now my husband. We have been married for over a year now. We fell in love over primal living. As Ed Sheeran says – “People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe it's all part of a plan”.